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WWS – Denial Management Solutions

Successfully managing claims means knowing why they are being denied, having the right solutions available and acting on it as soon as possible.

Did you know that over a third of all claims are denied?

If there are hundreds of reasons why a claim can be denied; in retrospect, this means there are hundreds of ways to eliminate denials and get paid faster!
Denial Management demands a well-trained workforce with expertise in its fields. Only dedicated and skilled professionals can handle them efficiently, successfully, and timely.

WWS’s team of denial management experts identify the root causes of denial trends, implement preventative denial management strategies, and provide feedback to appropriate internal departments personnel and our providers on denial management trends and findings with one common goal that is to reduce days in AR.

A DME practice that lacks a focused strategy for denial management is most likely to see unfavorable results; as is often too common, left to sit and eventually written off as uncollectable.

Experts In DME Denial Management Solutions

  • WWS has a prominent workflow designed for DME Providers to ensure claims are being processed in an efficient manner. Our workflow tracks claim as they enter and leave the system, and we take corrective action to prevent issues from arising in the first place. 
  • WWS offers a full suite of healthcare denial management services that include AR follow-ups, claims status checks, and resolution of denied claims. All done with one goal in mind: to collect all dollars due to you for your services rendered.

See What WWS Can Do For You