7 Crucial DME Certification Application Requirements To Prepare For

Insurance Policy

Obtaining a license for durable medical equipment (DME) is a crucial step for suppliers and providers in the healthcare industry. Licensing requirements ensure regulatory compliance, patient safety, and the provision of high-quality medical equipment and services. 

In this article, we will explore the common DME certification application requirements, highlighting their significance and benefits to the industry.

1. Corporate Documents

When applying for a DME certification, you will typically need to provide corporate documents proving your business entity’s legal existence. This includes certificates of incorporation for business and not-for-profit corporations or articles of organization for limited liability companies. These documents demonstrate that your business is legally registered and authorized to operate.

2. Proof of Insurance

Proof of insurance coverage, including DME insurance billing, is often required during the DME certification application process. This includes commercial liability insurance, workers’ compensation, and medical product liability insurance. 

Insurance coverage is crucial for protecting your business and ensuring you can meet any potential liabilities arising from the distribution and use of durable medical equipment.

3. Sales Tax Permit

In many states, DME suppliers must register for sales tax, even though durable medical equipment is often exempt from sales tax. 

As part of the application process, you may need to provide a sales tax permit or evidence of registration with the relevant tax authorities. Compliance with sales tax regulations is necessary to operate your business legally and fulfill your tax obligations.

4. Accreditation Proof

For DME retailers, obtaining accreditation from one of the ten national accreditation services approved by the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) may be required.

Accreditation ensures that your business meets specific quality and safety standards set by industry authorities. Providing proof of accreditation during the license application process demonstrates your commitment to delivering high-quality DME products and services.

5. Fingerprints of Owners and Officers

In some cases, the licensing process may involve submitting fingerprints of business owners and officers. These fingerprints are used for background checks conducted by the state’s criminal bureau and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). 

Background checks help ensure the suitability and integrity of individuals associated with the business, promoting trust and safety in the healthcare sector.

6. Home State License

If you are applying for a DME certification in a state where your business is not domestic, you may need to provide proof of licensure from your home state. This requirement verifies that your business is licensed and compliant with the regulations in your home state. 

It ensures that you are eligible to operate as a DME supplier and enhances your credibility when expanding into new territories.

7. State Expansion

If you plan to expand your DME business into another state, you may need to provide proof of your current resident DME certification or evidence that a license is not required in your home state. Non-resident states often request this verification to ensure that you meet the licensing requirements in your home state before conducting business in their jurisdiction.


Starting a durable medical equipment (DME) business requires careful planning and adherence to state licensing requirements. It is essential to conduct thorough research on the regulations and licensing procedures in your state and any states you plan to expand into. 

Additionally, obtaining the necessary certifications and accreditations, establishing relationships with healthcare providers, and developing a strong marketing strategy are crucial steps in building a successful DME business. 

By following these guidelines and staying updated with industry changes, entrepreneurs can navigate the complex world of DME and provide essential healthcare equipment and services to those in need.

Ready to expand your DME business into new territories? Ensure a smooth and successful transition by obtaining your DME certification today. Contact Wonder Worth for assistance with obtaining proof of licensure from your home state and enhancing your credibility as a DME supplier. Don’t let licensing requirements hold you back; take the next step towards state expansion with Wonder Worth.

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