Why Do Traditionally Outsourced HME/DME Billing Companies Fail?

Why do traditionally outsourced HMEDME billing companies fail

Outsourcing is a very common practice in the healthcare industry. An outsourced HME/DME billing company can help you manage your billing operations more efficiently and provide multiple benefits to your practice. But why do some companies fail to succeed? And what are some of the things that you need to look out for when outsourcing your HME/DME billing operation?

Burdensome workflows

Traditional HME/DME billing companies are not experts in the medical field. They’re not experts in the insurance and compliance world. They’re also not experts in care management or care coordination—the two worlds that most directly affect providers of HME/DME services. TAs a result, their workflows can be burdensome for providers who don’t have the internal resources to handle them themselves.

Lack of automation

The first thing to realize is that most process must be automated. This means that you need to integrate your billing software with your workflow software, which will likely be outsourced as well.

Some companies don’t even bother to integrate their billing and payment posting systems together. The reasons behind this are varied, but most of them boil down to one thing: the lack of experience with these types of systems by the people who designed their billing systems in the first place. Some vendors may have been around for a while, but they haven’t developed any real expertise in how billing works or how it should work when combined with other processes such as accounts receivable management (A/R).

No knowledge transfer strategy

Knowledge transfer is a process of sharing information and experience with other people. It is the process in which knowledge moves from one person to another, or from one organization to another. Knowledge transfer is important to the success of any outsourcing project because it helps your company avoid pitfalls while also enabling you to take advantage of all the benefits that outsourcing can offer. Knowledge transfer is critical in an outsourced HME/DME billing project because without it there will be no way for your new employees to know how things are done properly at your company—and thus they won’t be able to do their jobs well at all!

Knowledge transfer is the most important part of an outsourced HME/DME billing company’s task management process; it must occur before anything else if they want their clients’ businesses to run smoothly

Lack of communication

As a provider, it’s important that you have the ability to communicate with your billing company. This can include:

●    Understanding of your business and its goals

●    An understanding of how the patient fits into your business model

●    Knowing who is performing what duties so that there are no gaps in coverage

Outsourcing is powered by the resources that are not available in-house

Outsourcing is a great way to leverage resources that are not available in-house. The key is to find an outsourcing partner that is capable of providing the right level of expertise and resources.

It’s important for DME/HME providers to consider how outsourcing can help them achieve their goals before they decide whether or not it’s right for them.


With the traditional HME/DME billing companies not being the experts in the DME RCM systems. Compliance is definitely not their stronghold.

With most coders and billers typically transitioned from a physician/hospital billing background which is not relatable in the DME/HME world, The time invested by them in figuring out your practice will be burdensome and will have long-term effects.

At WWS we believe that the future of HME/DME billing is in the right sourcing. 

It’s in bringing together your team and your outsourced vendors to create a seamless experience for your patients. With so many benefits, it’s a smart decision to bring all parties together in one place. 

This will help you drive down costs while improving productivity and customer care. The best part is that you don’t have to do this alone! You can start right now by contacting us at support@wonderws.com

  • Review all claims prior to submission for billing errors
    (ie: HCPCS codes, Modifiers etc.)
  • Transmit claims (after review)
  • Work front-end rejections
  • Work A/R and Denials
  • Post payments
  • Conduct bi-weekly calls to provide feedback
  • Conduct monthly executive calls and billing analysis
  • Implement ACU-Insight Dashboard to provide a transparent view of all activity performed by ACU-Serve

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